• Introduction
  • Authentication
  • Hosted Payment Page Link Creation
  • Authorisation
  • Purchase
  • Capture
  • Refund
  • Void Authorisation
  • Webhook Handler
  • Transaction Status
  • Generate Card Token (Purchase/Authorisation)
  • Use of Card Token (Purchase/Authorisation)
  • Create Subscription
  • Subscription List
  • Subscription Details
  • Subscription Pause
  • Subscription Resume
  • Subscription Cancel
  • Gateway Codes
  • Introduction

    Welcome to the DASGATEWAY API Integration Manual.

    The API is designed around the REST architectural style; providing a set of HTTP payloads to facilitate the interaction between third party software and DASGATEWAY. To ensure compatibility, the API provides resource oriented URLs which uses built-in HTTP features like HTTP authentication, HTTP verbs or HTTP response codes which are understood by the majority of HTTP clients.

        The API is accessible only via https with the following base URL
        LIVE URL (

    Using the API reference

    The API reference is ordered by payloads. A description of the different payloads and a few examples are provided. While the examples are limited to a few development languages, the same principle can be applied to any language which has access to a HTTP client.


    API Key

    The API key is used for authorization and authentication; and will determine if the API will execute the request or not. Each merchant has access to an LIVE API KEY and an encoded key via the DasGateway Merchant Access.

    The API uses HTTP Basic Authentication where the API key is passed as credentials in the Authorization header.

    Note that HTTP Basic Authentication expects the credentials to be base64 encoded. Some HTTP client will automatically encode the key into base64 (for example by using the -u flag with bash cURL) while others will require manual encoding (for example using CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER in PHP cURL).

    API Headers

    API headers are extra source of information for each API call you make. API header represent the meta-data associated with an API request and response.

    Header Description
    x-api-key Provided along with credentials
    Authorization Live API Key from merchant details on DasGateway.
    Content-Type All response attributes will be a JSON object set to (application/json)

    Hosted Payment Page Link Creation

    Method: POST

    URL : /api/v1/server-to-server-interface/hpp/generate/link

    This payload allows to generate link to open Hosted Payment Page to capture a transaction.

    Request Attributes

    Create Hosted Payment Page Link:

     "return_url": {
     "webhook_url": "",
     "success_url": "",
     "decline_url": "",
     "cancel_url": ""
     "amount": null,
     "currency": null,
     "merchant_id": "<DASMID>",
     "merchant_email": "<merchant email>",
     "merchant_txn_ref": "<ref>",
     "country": "JP",
     "email": "<email>",
     "phone": "<phone number>",
     "address1": "<address line 1>",
     "city": "<city>",
     "state": "<state>"
     "country": "JP",
     "email": "<email>",
     "phone": "<phone number>",
     "address1": "<address line 1>",
     "city": "<city>",
     "state": " <state>"
    Attributes Type Mandatory Max Length Description
    return_url object no A JSON object containing the Return URL
    webhook_url string no 255 The webhook URL link
    success_url string no 255 The redirect URL link after payment get successful.
    decline_url string no 255 The redirect URL link after payment get failed.
    cancel_url string no 255 The cancel URL link after payment get cancelled.
    amount float/string/int yes as per Bank The amount of the transaction amount. If passed null, cardholder need to enter amount manually in Hosted Payment Page.
    currency string yes 3 The abbreviation of the processing currency of the product (ex. Japanese Yen: JPY)
    merchant_id string yes 128 The merchant ID (DASMID)
    merchant_email string yes 45 The email address of the Merchant
    merchant_txn_ref string yes 45 The merchant transaction reference ID
    payment_method object no A JSON object containing Payment Method
    type string yes 128 The Card Scheme (Like VISA, MASTERCARD)
    store_payment_method boolean yes 5 True to generate token or False not to generate
    billing_address object yes A JSON object containing the billing address of cardholder
     ∟  country string yes 2 The cardholder’s billing country code
     ∟  email string yes 45 The cardholder’s billing email address
     ∟  phone string yes 15 The cardholder’s billing phone number
     ∟  address1 string yes 199 The cardholder’s billing address line
     ∟  city string yes 65 The cardholder’s billing city
     ∟  state string yes 65 The cardholder’s billing state
    shipping_address object no A JSON object containing the shipping address of cardholder. This object is optional.
     ∟  country string yes 2 The cardholder’s shipping country code
     ∟  email string yes 45 The cardholder’s shipping email address
     ∟  phone string yes 20 The cardholder’s shipping phone number
     ∟  address1 string yes 199 The cardholder’s shipping address line
     ∟  city string yes 65 The cardholder’s shipping city
     ∟  state string yes 65 The cardholder’s shipping state

    Response Attributes

    Note After a payment is completed, the user will be redirected to either the success_url or the decline_url. The transaction_reference will be included as a query parameter in the URL.

    Sample Response:

     "id": "8099279b-e499-464d-ad50-57eed0e4b309",
     "url": "<Generated HPP Link>",
     "amount": "",
     "currency": "",
     "merchant_txn_ref": "<ref>",
     "merchant_id": "<DASMID>",
     "merchant_email": "<merchant email>",
     "return_url": {
     "webhook_url": "",
     "success_url": "",
     "decline_url": "",
     "cancel_url": null
     "billing_address": {
     "city": "<city>",
     "email": "<email>",
     "phone": "<phone number>",
     "state": "<state>",
     "country": "<country code>",
     "address1": "<address line 1>"
     "shipping_address": {
     "city": "<city>",
     "email": "<email>",
     "phone": "<phone number>",
     "state": "<state>",
     "country": "<country code>",
     "address1": "<address line 1>"
    Attributes Description
    id The transaction reference ID
    return_url A JSON object containing the Return URL
    webhook_url The webhook URL link
    success_url The redirect URL link after payment get successful.
    decline_url The redirect URL link after payment get failed.
    cancel_url The URL Link of the cancelation page
    inprogress_url The URL Link of the loading page
    amount The Amount of transaction
    currency The processing currency of the transaction
    DASMID The DAS merchant ID of the transaction performed
    merchant_email The email address of the Merchant
    merchant_txn_ref The merchant transaction reference ID
    status The status of the hosted payment page link generated
    url The URL Link of the hosted payment page link generated
    isValid The validity of the Hosted Payment Page link (True or False)
    billing_address A JSON object containing the billing address of cardholder
     ∟  country The cardholder’s billing country code
     ∟  email The cardholder’s billing email address
     ∟  phone The cardholder’s billing phone number
     ∟  address1 The cardholder’s billing address line
     ∟  city The cardholder’s billing city
     ∟  state The cardholder’s billing state
    shipping_address A JSON object containing the shipping address of cardholder. This object is optional.
     ∟  country The cardholder’s shipping country code
     ∟  email The cardholder’s shipping email address
     ∟  phone The cardholder’s shipping phone number
     ∟  address1 The cardholder’s shipping address line
     ∟  city The cardholder’s shipping city
     ∟  state The cardholder’s shipping state


    Method: POST

    URL : /api/v1/server-to-server-interface/authorization

    This payload allows to perform an Authorisation transaction.

    Request Attributes

    Perform an Authorisation Transaction:

     "currency": null,
     "card": {
     "cvc": "<cvv>",
     "expiry_month": "<month>",
     "expiry_year": "<year>",
     "name": "<name>",
     "number": "<card number>"
     "merchant_txn_ref" :"<ref>",
     "customer_ip" : "<ip>",
     "merchant_id" : "<DASMID>",
     "webhook_url": "",
     "success_url": "",
     "decline_url": ""
     "country": "JP",
     "email": "<email>",
     "address1": "<address 1>",
     "phone_number": "<phone number>",
     "city": "<city>",
     "state": "<state>",
     "postal_code": "<postcode>"
     "country": "JP",
     "email": "<email>",
     "address1": "<address 1>",
     "phone_number": "<phone number>",
     "city": "<city>",
     "state": "<state>",
     "postal_code": "<postcode>"
     "time_zone": "Asia/Kuala_Lumpur"
    Attributes Type Mandatory Max Length Description
    amount float/string/int yes as per Bank The amount of the transaction.
    currency string yes 3 The abbreviation of the processing currency of the product (ex. Japanese Yen: JPY)
    card object yes A JSON object containing the Card Details
    cvc string yes 4 The Security Code of the card (3 digits code and 4 digits code for AMEX cards)
    expiry_month string yes 2 The expiry month of the card. Eg. 12 for December
    expiry_year string yes 2 The expiry year of the card. Eg. 24 for year 2024
    name string yes 255 The cardholder’s name on card
    number string yes 16 The card number
    merchant_txn_ref string yes 45 The merchant transaction reference ID
    customer_ip string yes 45 The IP address of the cardholder
    merchant_id string yes 128 The merchant ID (DASMID)
    return_url object no A JSON object containing the Return URL
    webhook_url string no 255 The webhook URL link
    success_url string no 255 The redirect URL link after payment get successful.
    decline_url string no 255 The redirect URL link after payment get failed.
    billing_address object yes A JSON object containing the billing address of cardholder
     ∟  country string yes 2 The cardholder’s billing country code
     ∟  email string yes 45 The cardholder’s billing email address
     ∟  phone_number string yes 20 The cardholder’s billing phone number
     ∟  address1 string yes 199 The cardholder’s billing address line
     ∟  city string yes 65 The cardholder’s billing city
     ∟  state string yes 65 The cardholder’s billing state
     ∟  postal_code string yes 45 The cardholder’s postal code
    shipping_address object no A JSON object containing the shipping address of cardholder. This object is optional.
     ∟  country string yes 2 The cardholder’s shipping country code
     ∟  email string yes 45 The cardholder’s shipping email address
     ∟  phone_number string yes 20 The cardholder’s shipping phone number
     ∟  address1 string yes 199 The cardholder’s shipping address line
     ∟  city string yes 65 The cardholder’s shipping city
     ∟  state string yes 65 The cardholder’s shipping state
     ∟  postal_code string no 45 The cardholder’s shipping postal code
    time_zone string yes 128 The country time zone of the transaction

    Response Attributes

    Sample Response:

     "success": true,
     "status_code": 201,
     "is_live": false,
     "transaction_type": "PRE_AUTH",
     "gateway_response": {
     "version": "1",
     "type": "INFO",
     "message": "Payment Successful.",
     "code": "INFO0000"
     "merchant_details": {
     "legal_name": "<Merchant Legal Name>",
     "mid": "<DASMID>",
     "merchant_txn_ref": "<transaction ref>",
     "billing_details": {
     "billing_address": {
     "country": "<country code>",
     "email": "<email address>",
     "address1": "<address1>",
     "phone_number": "<phone number>",
     "city": "<city>",
     "state": "<state>",
     "postal_code": "<postcode>"
     "shipping_address": {
     "country": "<country code>",
     "email": "<email address>",
     "address1": "<address1>",
     "phone_number": "<phone number>",
     "city": "<city>",
     "state": "<state>",
     "postal_code": "<postcode>"
     "device_details": {
     "visited_ip": "<ip address>",
     "customer_ip": "<ip address>",
     "payment_details": {
     "amount": "<amount>",
     "response_code": 0,
     "auth_code": "<auth code>",
     "currency": "<USD>",
     "payment_method": "<payment method>",
     "scheme": "<card scheme>",
     "card": {
     "name": "<card holder name>",
     "number": "<card number>",
     "exp_month": "<expiry month>",
     "exp_year": "<expiry year>"
     "transaction_details": {
     "id": "bdd7e008-93e5-4777-a4f7-6eb2343cce4d",
     "ref": "<ref>",
     "timestamp": "<date and time>",
     "merchant_txn_ref": "<transaction ref>",
     "stored_payment_method_id": "e9df6c8b-5341-4c74-b6a7-3f05468747cd"
     "risk-details": {
     "risk_score": null
    Attributes Description
    success true on successful transaction. false on failure.
    status_code The status code of the transaction
    is_live true if live transaction. false if test transaction
    transaction_type The transaction type PRE_AUTH for Authorised transaction
    gateway_response A JSON object containing the response from the gateway
    version The version of the gateway
    type Type of response, INFO for informative
    message The message response from the gateway
    code Message code of response
    merchant_details A JSON object containing the details of merchant
     ∟  legal_name The merchant’s legal name
     ∟  mid The merchant ID (DASMID)
     ∟  merchant_txn_ref The merchant transaction reference
    billing_details A JSON object containing the billing details
     ∟  billing_address A JSON object containing the billing address
       ∟  country The cardholder’s billing country code
       ∟  email The cardholder’s billing email address
       ∟  address1 The cardholder’s billing address line
       ∟  phone_number The cardholder’s billing phone number
       ∟  city The cardholder’s billing city
       ∟  state The cardholder’s billing state
       ∟  postal_code The cardholder’s postal code
     ∟  shipping_address A JSON object containing the shipping address
       ∟  country The cardholder’s shipping country code
       ∟  email The cardholder’s shipping email address
       ∟  address1 The cardholder’s shipping address line
       ∟  phone_number The cardholder’s shipping phone number
       ∟  city The cardholder’s shipping city
       ∟  state The cardholder’s shipping state
       ∟  postal_code The cardholder’s shipping code
    device_details A JSON object containing the details of device
     ∟  visited_ip IP address of payment page
     ∟  customer_ip IP address of card holder
    payment_details A JSON object containing the Payment details of the transaction
     ∟  amount The amount value of the transaction
     ∟  response_code The acquirer response code
     ∟  auth_code The acquirer authorisation code
     ∟  currency The currency of the transaction
     ∟  payment_method The payment card type : Credit Card or Debit Card
     ∟  scheme The card brand scheme (VISA, MASTERCARD or AMEX)
     ∟  card A JSON object containing details of card
     ∟  name The cardholders’ name on card
     ∟  number The card number
     ∟  exp_month The expiry month of the card. Eg. 12 for December
     ∟  exp_year The expiry year of the card. Eg. 24 for year 2024
     ∟  transaction_details A JSON object containing details of the transaction
     ∟  id The Transaction ID of the transaction
     ∟  ref The Authorisation code of the transaction
     ∟  timestamp Date and Time of the transaction
     ∟  merchant_txn_ref The merchant transaction reference ID
     ∟  stored_payment_method_id The stored payment method ID (Token)
    risk-details A JSON object containing details of risk
     ∟  risk_score The risk score


    Method: POST

    URL : /api/v1/server-to-server-interface/payment

    This payload allows to perform a Purchase transaction.

    Request Attributes

    Perform an Purchase Transaction:

     "currency": null,
     "card": {
     "cvc": "<cvv>",
     "expiry_month": "<month>",
     "expiry_year": "<year>",
     "name": "<name>",
     "number": "<card number>"
     "merchant_txn_ref" :"<ref>",
     "customer_ip" : "<ip>",
     "merchant_id" : "<DASMID>",
     "webhook_url": "",
     "success_url": "",
     "decline_url": ""
     "country": "JP",
     "email": "<email>",
     "address1": "<address 1>",
     "phone_number": "<phone number>",
     "city": "<city>",
     "state": "<state>",
     "postal_code": "<postcode>"
     "country": "JP",
     "email": "<email>",
     "address1": "<address 1>",
     "phone_number": "<phone number>",
     "city": "<city>",
     "state": "<state>",
     "postal_code": "<postcode>"
     "time_zone": "Asia/Kuala_Lumpur"
    Attributes Type Mandatory Max Length Description
    amount float/string/int yes as per Bank The amount of the transaction.
    currency string yes 3 The abbreviation of the processing currency of the product (ex. Japanese Yen: JPY)
    card object yes A JSON object containing the Card Details
    cvc string yes 4 The Security Code of the card (3 digits code and 4 digits code for AMEX cards)
    expiry_month string yes 2 The expiry month of the card. Eg. 12 for December
    expiry_year string yes 2 The expiry year of the card. Eg. 24 for year 2024
    name string yes 255 The cardholder’s name on card
    number string yes 16 The card number
    merchant_txn_ref string yes 45 The merchant transaction reference ID
    customer_ip string yes 45 The IP address of the cardholder
    merchant_id string yes 128 The merchant ID (DASMID)
    return_url object no A JSON object containing the Return URL
    webhook_url string no 255 The webhook URL link
    success_url string no 255 The redirect URL link after payment get successful.
    decline_url string no 255 The redirect URL link after payment get failed.
    billing_address object yes A JSON object containing the billing address of cardholder
     ∟  country string yes 2 The cardholder’s billing country code
     ∟  email string yes 45 The cardholder’s billing email address
     ∟  phone_number string yes 20 The cardholder’s billing phone number
     ∟  address1 string yes 199 The cardholder’s billing address line
     ∟  city string yes 65 The cardholder’s billing city
     ∟  state string yes 65 The cardholder’s billing state
     ∟  postal_code string yes 45 The cardholder’s postal code
    shipping_address object no A JSON object containing the shipping address of cardholder. This object is optional.
     ∟  country string yes 2 The cardholder’s shipping country code
     ∟  email string yes 45 The cardholder’s shipping email address
     ∟  phone_number string yes 20 The cardholder’s shipping phone number
     ∟  address1 string yes 199 The cardholder’s shipping address line
     ∟  city string yes 65 The cardholder’s shipping city
     ∟  state string yes 65 The cardholder’s shipping state
     ∟  postal_code string no 45 The cardholder’s shipping postal code
    time_zone string yes 128 The country time zone of the transaction

    Response Attributes

    Sample Response:

     "success": true,
     "status_code": 201,
     "is_live": false,
     "transaction_type": "CAPTURE",
     "gateway_response": {
     "version": "1",
     "type": "INFO",
     "message": "Payment Successful.",
     "code": "INFO0000"
     "merchant_details": {
     "legal_name": "<Merchant Legal Name>",
     "mid": "<DASMID>",
     "merchant_txn_ref": "<transaction ref>",
     "billing_details": {
     "billing_address": {
     "country": "<country code>",
     "email": "<email address>",
     "address1": "<address1>",
     "phone_number": "<phone number>",
     "city": "<city>",
     "state": "<state>",
     "postal_code": "<postcode>"
     "shipping_address": {
     "country": "<country code>",
     "email": "<email address>",
     "address1": "<address1>",
     "phone_number": "<phone number>",
     "city": "<city>",
     "state": "<state>",
     "postal_code": "<postcode>"
     "device_details": {
     "visited_ip": "<ip address>",
     "customer_ip": "<ip address>",
     "payment_details": {
     "amount": "<amount>",
     "response_code": 0,
     "auth_code": "<auth code>",
     "currency": null,
     "payment_method": "<payment method>",
     "scheme": "<card scheme>",
     "card": {
     "name": "<card holder name>",
     "number": "<card number>",
     "exp_month": "<expiry month>",
     "exp_year": "<expiry year>"
     "transaction_details": {
     "id": "bdd7e008-93e5-4777-a4f7-6eb2343cce4d",
     "ref": "<ref>",
     "timestamp": "<date and time>",
     "merchant_txn_ref": "<transaction ref>",
     "stored_payment_method_id": "e9df6c8b-5341-4c74-b6a7-3f05468747cd"
     "risk-details": {
     "risk_score": null
    Attributes Description
    success true on successful transaction. false on failure.
    status_code The status code of the transaction
    is_live true if live transaction. false if test transaction
    transaction_type The transaction type : CAPTURE for Purchase transaction
    gateway_response A JSON object containing the response from the gateway
    version The version of the gateway
    type Type of response, INFO for informative
    message The message response from the gateway
    code Message code of response
    merchant_details A JSON object containing the details of merchant
     ∟  legal_name The merchant’s legal name
     ∟  mid The merchant ID (DASMID)
     ∟  merchant_txn_ref The merchant transaction reference
    billing_details A JSON object containing the billing details
     ∟  billing_address A JSON object containing the billing address
       ∟  country The cardholder’s billing country code
       ∟  email The cardholder’s billing email address
       ∟  address1 The cardholder’s billing address line
       ∟  phone_number The cardholder’s billing phone number
       ∟  city The cardholder’s billing city
       ∟  state The cardholder’s billing state
       ∟  postal_code The cardholder’s postal code
     ∟  shipping_address A JSON object containing the shipping address
       ∟  country The cardholder’s shipping country code
       ∟  email The cardholder’s shipping email address
       ∟  address1 The cardholder’s shipping address line
       ∟  phone_number The cardholder’s shipping phone number
       ∟  city The cardholder’s shipping city
       ∟  state The cardholder’s shipping state
       ∟  postal_code The cardholder’s shipping code
    device_details A JSON object containing the details of device
     ∟  visited_ip IP address of payment page
     ∟  customer_ip IP address of card holder
     ∟  payment_details A JSON object containing the Payment details of the transaction
     ∟  amount The amount value of the transaction
     ∟  response_code The acquirer response code
     ∟  auth_code The acquirer authorisation code
     ∟  currency The currency of the transaction
     ∟  payment_method The payment card type : Credit Card or Debit Card
     ∟  scheme The card brand scheme (VISA, MASTERCARD or AMEX)
     ∟  card A JSON object containing details of card
     ∟  name The cardholders’ name on card
     ∟  number The card number
     ∟  exp_month The expiry month of the card. Eg. 12 for December
     ∟  exp_year The expiry year of the card. Eg. 24 for year 2024
     ∟  transaction_details A JSON object containing details of the transaction
     ∟  id The Transaction ID of the transaction
     ∟  ref The Authorisation code of the transaction
     ∟  timestamp Date and Time of the transaction
     ∟  merchant_txn_ref The merchant transaction reference ID
     ∟  stored_payment_method_id The stored payment method ID (Token)
    risk-details A JSON object containing details of risk
    risk_score The risk score


    Method: POST

    URL : /api/v1/server-to-server-interface/capture

    This payload allows to perform a Capture transaction.

    Request Attributes

    Perform an Capture Transaction:

     "transactionId": "<transaction id>",
     "amount": "<amount>",
     "merchant_id": "<DASMID>",
     "notes": "<reference>"
    Attributes Type Mandatory Max Length Description
    transactionId string yes 36 The original transaction ID of the Authorised transaction.
    amount Int/String yes as per Bank The amount to be captured. This should not exceed the amount authorised. Amount limit depends on the bank.
    merchant_id string yes 10 The merchant ID (DASMID)
    notes string no 128 The reference of the capture transaction (optional)

    Response Attributes

    Sample Response:

     "success": true,
     "status_code": 201,
     "is_live": false,
     "transaction_type": "CAPTURE",
     "gateway_response": {
     "version": "1",
     "type": "INFO",
     "message": "Amount successfully captured.",
     "code": "INFO0001"
     "merchant_details": {
     "legal_name": "<Company Legal Name>",
     "mid": "<DASMID>",
     "merchant_txn_ref": "<transaction ref>"
     "payment_details": {
     "amount": "<amount>",
     "response_code": 0,
     "auth_code": "<auth code>",
     "currency": null,
     "payment_method": "<payment method>",
     "scheme": "<card scheme>",
     "card": {
     "name": "<card holder name>",
     "number": "<card number>",
     "exp_month": "<expiry month>",
     "exp_year": "<expiry year>"
     "transaction_details": {
     "id": "3c7a5eed-1f18-4cf0-8efe-ca0b948073e4",
     "ref": "<ref>",
     "timestamp": "<date and time>",
     "merchant_txn_ref": "<transaction ref>"
    Attributes Description
    success true on successful transaction. false on failure.
    status_code The status code of the transaction
    is_live true if live transaction. false if test transaction
    transaction_type The transaction type : CAPTURE for Authorised transaction
    gateway_response A JSON object containing the response from the gateway
    version The version of the gateway
    type Type of response, INFO for informative
    message The message response from the gateway
    code Message code of response
    merchant_details A JSON object containing the details of merchant
    legal_name The merchant’s legal name
    mid The merchant ID (DASMID)
    merchant_txn_ref The merchant transaction reference
    payment_details A JSON object containing the Payment details of the transaction
     ∟  amount The amount value of the transaction
     ∟  response_code The acquirer response code
     ∟  auth_code The acquirer authorisation code
     ∟  currency The currency of the transaction
     ∟  payment_method The payment card type : Credit Card or Debit Card
     ∟  scheme The card brand scheme (VISA, MASTERCARD or AMEX)
     ∟  card A JSON object containing details of card
     ∟  name The cardholders’ name on card
     ∟  number The card number
     ∟  exp_month The expiry month of the card. Eg. 12 for December
     ∟  exp_year The expiry year of the card. Eg. 24 for year 2024
     ∟  transaction_details A JSON object containing details of the transaction
     ∟  id The Transaction ID of the transaction
     ∟  ref The Authorisation code of the transaction
     ∟  timestamp Date and Time of the transaction
     ∟  merchant_txn_ref The merchant transaction reference ID


    Method: POST

    URL : /api/v1/server-to-server-interface/refund

    This payload allows to perform a Refund transaction.

    Request Attributes

    Perform an Refund Transaction:

     "transactionId": "<transaction id>",
     "amount": "<amount>",
     "merchant_id": "<DASMID>",
     "notes": "<reference>"
    Attributes Type Mandatory Max Length Description
    transactionId string yes 36 The original transaction ID of the captured transaction.
    amount Int/String yes as per Bank The amount to be refunded. This should not exceed the amount captured. Amount limit depends on the bank.
    merchant_id string yes 10 The merchant ID (DASMID)
    notes string no 128 The reference of the refund transaction (optional)

    Response Attributes

    Sample Response:

     "success": true,
     "status_code": 201,
     "is_live": false,
     "transaction_type": "REFUND",
     "gateway_response": {
     "version": "1",
     "type": "INFO",
     "message": "Amount successfully refunded.",
     "code": "INFO0002"
     "merchant_details": {
     "legal_name": "<Company Legal Name>",
     "mid": "<DASMID>",
     "merchant_txn_ref": "<transaction ref>"
     "payment_details": {
     "amount": "<amount>",
     "response_code": 0,
     "auth_code": "<auth code>",
     "currency": null,
     "payment_method": "<payment method>",
     "scheme": "<card scheme>",
     "card": {
     "name": "<card holder name>",
     "number": "<card number>",
     "exp_month": "<expiry month>",
     "exp_year": "<expiry year>"
     "transaction_details": {
     "id": "3c7a5eed-1f18-4cf0-8efe-ca0b948073e4",
     "ref": "<ref>",
     "timestamp": "<date and time>",
     "merchant_txn_ref": "<transaction ref>",
     "stored_payment_method_id": "e9df6c8b-5341-4c74-b6a7-3f05468747cd"
    Attributes Description
    success true on successful transaction. false on failure.
    status_code The status code of the transaction
    is_live true if live transaction. false if test transaction
    transaction_type The transaction type : REFUND for any Captured transaction
    gateway_response A JSON object containing the response from the gateway
    version The version of the gateway
    type Type of response, INFO for informative
    message The message response from the gateway
    code Message code of response
    merchant_details A JSON object containing the details of merchant
     ∟  legal_name The merchant’s legal name
     ∟  mid The merchant ID (DASMID)
     ∟  merchant_txn_ref The merchant transaction reference
     ∟  payment_details A JSON object containing the Payment details of the transaction
     ∟  amount The amount value of the transaction
     ∟  response_code The acquirer response code
     ∟  auth_code The acquirer authorisation code
     ∟  currency The currency of the transaction
     ∟  payment_method The payment card type : Credit Card or Debit Card
     ∟  scheme The card brand scheme (VISA, MASTERCARD or AMEX)
     ∟  card A JSON object containing details of card
     ∟  name The cardholders’ name on card
     ∟  number The card number
     ∟  exp_month The expiry month of the card. Eg. 12 for December
     ∟  exp_year The expiry year of the card. Eg. 24 for year 2024
    transaction_details A JSON object containing details of the transaction
     ∟  id The Transaction ID of the transaction
     ∟  ref The Authorisation code of the transaction
     ∟  timestamp Date and Time of the transaction
     ∟  merchant_txn_ref The merchant transaction reference ID
     ∟  stored_payment_method_id The stored payment method ID (Token)

    Void Authorisation

    Method: POST

    URL : /api/v1/server-to-server-interface/void

    This payload allows to perform a Void transaction.

    Request Attributes

    Perform a Void Transaction:

     "transactionId": "<transaction id>",
     "merchant_id": "<DASMID>"
    Attributes Type Mandatory Max Length Description
    transactionId string yes 36 The original transaction ID of the Authorised transaction.
    merchant_id string yes 10 The merchant ID (DASMID)

    Response Attributes

    Sample Response:

     "success": true,
     "status_code": 201,
     "is_live": false,
     "transaction_type": "VOID",
     "gateway_response": {
     "version": "1",
     "type": "INFO",
     "message": "Amount Successfully Cancelled.",
     "code": "INFO0003"
     "merchant_details": {
     "legal_name": "<Company Legal Name>",
     "mid": "<DASMID>",
     "merchant_txn_ref": "<transaction ref>"
     "payment_details": {
     "amount": "<amount>",
     "response_code": 0,
     "auth_code": "<auth code>",
     "currency": null,
     "payment_method": "<payment method>",
     "scheme": "<card scheme>",
     "card": {
     "name": "<card holder name>",
     "number": "<card number>",
     "exp_month": "<expiry month>",
     "exp_year": "<expiry year>"
     "transaction_details": {
     "id": "3c7a5eed-1f18-4cf0-8efe-ca0b948073e4",
     "ref": "<ref>",
     "timestamp": "<date and time>",
     "merchant_txn_ref": "<transaction ref>"
    Attributes Description
    success true on successful transaction. false on failure.
    status_code The status code of the transaction
    is_live true if live transaction. false if test transaction
    transaction_type The transaction type : VOID for any Authorised transaction
    gateway_response A JSON object containing the response from the gateway
    version The version of the gateway
    type Type of response, INFO for informative
    message The message response from the gateway
    code Message code of response
    merchant_details A JSON object containing the details of merchant
     ∟  legal_name The merchant’s legal name
     ∟  mid The merchant ID (DASMID)
     ∟  merchant_txn_ref The merchant transaction reference
    payment_details A JSON object containing the Payment details of the transaction
     ∟  amount The amount value of the transaction
     ∟  response_code The acquirer response code
     ∟  auth_code The acquirer authorisation code
     ∟  currency The currency of the transaction
     ∟  payment_method The payment card type : Credit Card or Debit Card
     ∟  scheme The card brand scheme (VISA, MASTERCARD or AMEX)
     ∟  card A JSON object containing details of card
     ∟  name The cardholders’ name on card
     ∟  number The card number
     ∟  exp_month The expiry month of the card. Eg. 12 for December
     ∟  exp_year The expiry year of the card. Eg. 24 for year 2024
    transaction_details A JSON object containing details of the transaction
     ∟  id The Transaction ID of the transaction
     ∟  ref The Authorisation code of the transaction
     ∟  timestamp Date and Time of the transaction
     ∟  merchant_txn_ref The merchant transaction reference ID

    Webhook Handler

    Response Status: Successful Transaction

    Response Attributes

    Sample Response:

     "success": true,
     "status_code": 201,
     "is_live": false,
     "transaction_type": "CAPTURE",
     "gateway_response": {
     "version": "1",
     "type": "INFO",
     "message": "Payment Successful.",
     "code": "INFO0000"
     "return_url_details": {
     "webhook_url": "",
     "success_url": "",
     "decline_url": ""
     "merchant_details": {
     "legal_name": "<Merchant Legal Name>",
     "mid": "<DASMID>",
     "merchant_txn_ref": "<transaction ref>",
     "billing_details": {
     "billing_address": {
     "country": "<country code>",
     "postal_code": "<postcode>",
     "email": "<email address>",
    "phone_number": "<phone number>",
     "address1": "<address1>",
    "address2": "<address2>",
     "city": "<city>",
    "state": "<state>"
     "shipping_address": {
     "country": "<country code>",
    "postal_code": "<postcode>",
     "email": "<email address>",
     "phone_number": "<phone number>",
     "address1": "<address1>",
     "address2": "<address2>",
     "city": "<city>",
    "state": "<state>"
     "device_details": {
     "visited_ip": "<ip address>",
     "customer_ip": "<ip address>",
     "payment_details": {
     "amount": "<amount>",
     "response_code": 0,
     "auth_code": "<auth code>",
     "currency": null,
     "payment_method": "<payment method>",
     "scheme": "<card scheme>",
     "card": {
     "name": "<card holder name>",
     "number": "<card number>",
     "exp_month": "<expiry month>",
     "exp_year": "<expiry year>"
     "transaction_details": {
     "id": "bdd7e008-93e5-4777-a4f7-6eb2343cce4d",
     "ref": "<ref>",
     "timestamp": "<date and time>",
     "merchant_txn_ref": "<transaction ref>",
     "stored_payment_method_id": "e9df6c8b-5341-4c74-b6a7-3f05468747cd"
     "risk-details": {
     "risk_score": null
    Attributes Description
    success true on successful transaction. false on failure.
    status_code The status code of the transaction
    is_live true if live transaction. false if test transaction
    transaction_type The transaction type : VOID for any Authorised transaction
    gateway_response A JSON object containing the response from the gateway
    version The version of the gateway
    type Type of response, INFO for informative
    message The message response from the gateway
    code Message code of response
    merchant_details A JSON object containing the details of merchant
     ∟  legal_name The merchant’s legal name
     ∟  mid The merchant ID (DASMID)
     ∟  merchant_txn_ref The merchant transaction reference
    billing_details A JSON object containing the billing details
     ∟  billing_address A JSON object containing the billing address
       ∟  country The cardholder’s billing country code
       ∟  email The cardholder’s billing email address
       ∟  address1 The cardholder’s billing address line
       ∟  phone_number The cardholder’s billing phone number
       ∟  city The cardholder’s billing city
       ∟  state The cardholder’s billing state
       ∟  postal_code The cardholder’s postal code
     ∟  shipping_address A JSON object containing the shipping address
       ∟  country The cardholder’s shipping country code
       ∟  email The cardholder’s shipping email address
       ∟  address1 The cardholder’s shipping address line
       ∟  phone_number The cardholder’s shipping phone number
       ∟  city The cardholder’s shipping city
       ∟  state The cardholder’s shipping state
       ∟  postal_code The cardholder’s shipping code
    device_details A JSON object containing the details of device
     ∟  visited_ip IP address of payment page
     ∟  customer_ip IP address of card holder
    payment_details A JSON object containing the Payment details of the transaction
     ∟  amount The amount value of the transaction
     ∟  response_code The acquirer response code
     ∟  auth_code The acquirer authorisation code
     ∟  currency The currency of the transaction
     ∟  payment_method The payment card type : Credit Card or Debit Card
     ∟  scheme The card brand scheme (VISA, MASTERCARD or AMEX)
     ∟  card A JSON object containing details of card
     ∟  name The cardholders’ name on card
     ∟  number The card number
     ∟  exp_month The expiry month of the card. Eg. 12 for December
     ∟  exp_year The expiry year of the card. Eg. 24 for year 2024
     ∟  transaction_details A JSON object containing details of the transaction
     ∟  id The Transaction ID of the transaction
     ∟  ref The Authorisation code of the transaction
     ∟  timestamp Date and Time of the transaction
     ∟  merchant_txn_ref The merchant transaction reference ID
     ∟  stored_payment_method_id The stored payment method ID (Token)
    risk-details A JSON object containing details of risk
     ∟  risk_score The risk score

    Transaction Status

    Method: GET

    URL : /api/v1/server-to-server-interface/transaction/status/<Transaction Id>

    Request Attributes

    Attributes Type Mandatory Max Length Description
    transactionId string yes 36 The original transaction ID of the Pre-Auth, Capture, Refund or Void transaction.

    Response Attributes

    Sample Response:

        "success": true,
        "status_code": 200,
        "is_live": false,
        "transaction_type": "PRE_AUTH",
        "gateway_response": {
            "version": "1",
            "type": "INFO",
            "message": "Payment Successful.",
            "code": "INFO0000"
        "merchant_details": {
            "legal_name": "Intersnack Cashew Company Pte. Ltd.",
            "mid": "JP00000328",
            "merchant_txn_ref": "qwe"
        "payment_details": {
            "amount": 2,
            "response_code": 0,
            "responseDescription": "The transaction was completed successfully.",
            "auth_code": "212496",
            "currency": "JPY",
            "payment_method": "ECMC-SSL",
            "scheme": "MASTERCARD",
            "card": {
                "name": "Sharma",
                "number": "545454******5454",
                "exp_month": "12",
                "exp_year": "25"
        "transaction_details": {
            "id": "b2c120f8-6d34-4f8f-a736-b34943dde2d7",
            "ref": 38922,
            "timestamp": "2023-08-09T09:17:43.000Z",
            "billing_details": {
                "billing_address": {
                    "country": "JP",
                    "email": "",
                    "address1": "47A123",
                    "phone_number": "N/A",
                    "city": "ACambridge",
                    "state": "Cambridgeshire",
                    "postal_code": "CB94BQ"
                "shipping_address": {
                    "country": "IN",
                    "email": "",
                    "address1": "adfadfdsf",
                    "phone_number": "N/A",
                    "city": "ACambridge",
                    "state": "Cambridgeshire",
                    "postal_code": "3534534"
        "risk_details": {
            "risk_score": null
    Attributes Description
    success true on successful transaction. false on failure.
    status_code The status code of the transaction
    is_live true if live transaction. false if test transaction
    transaction_type The transaction type: PRE_AUTH for Authorised or CAPTURE for Purchase transaction
    gateway_response A JSON object containing the response from the gateway
    version The version of the gateway
    type Type of response, INFO for informative
    message The message response from the gateway
    code Message code of response
    merchant_details A JSON object containing the details of merchant
     ∟  legal_name The merchant’s legal name
     ∟  mid The merchant ID (DASMID)
     ∟  merchant_txn_ref The merchant transaction reference
    billing_details A JSON object containing the billing details
     ∟  billing_address A JSON object containing the billing address
       ∟  country The cardholder’s billing country code
       ∟  email The cardholder’s billing email address
       ∟  address1 The cardholder’s billing address line
       ∟  phone_number The cardholder’s billing phone number
       ∟  city The cardholder’s billing city
       ∟  state The cardholder’s billing state
       ∟  postal_code The cardholder’s postal code
     ∟  shipping_address A JSON object containing the shipping address
       ∟  country The cardholder’s shipping country code
       ∟  email The cardholder’s shipping email address
       ∟  address1 The cardholder’s shipping address line
       ∟  phone_number The cardholder’s shipping phone number
       ∟  city The cardholder’s shipping city
       ∟  state The cardholder’s shipping state
       ∟  postal_code The cardholder’s shipping code
    device_details A JSON object containing the details of device
     ∟  visited_ip IP address of payment page
     ∟  customer_ip IP address of card holder
    payment_details A JSON object containing the Payment details of the transaction
     ∟  amount The amount value of the transaction
     ∟  response_code The acquirer response code
     ∟  auth_code The acquirer authorisation code
     ∟  currency The currency of the transaction
     ∟  payment_method The payment card type : Credit Card or Debit Card
     ∟  scheme The card brand scheme (VISA, MASTERCARD or AMEX)
     ∟  card A JSON object containing details of card
     ∟  name The cardholders’ name on card
     ∟  number The card number
     ∟  exp_month The expiry month of the card. Eg. 12 for December
     ∟  exp_year The expiry year of the card. Eg. 24 for year 2024
    transaction_details A JSON object containing details of the transaction
     ∟  id The Transaction ID of the transaction
     ∟  ref The Authorisation code of the transaction
     ∟  timestamp Date and Time of the transaction
     ∟  merchant_txn_ref The merchant transaction reference ID
    risk-details A JSON object containing details of risk
     ∟  risk_score The risk score

    Generate Card Token (Purchase/Authorisation)

    Method: POST

    URL : /api/v1/server-to-server-interface/payment

    This payload allows to generate a card token (store payment method) for a purchase or an authorisation.

    Request Attributes

    Perform a Purchase or Authorisation Transaction:

      "currency": "JPY",
         "card": {
            "cvc": "<cvv>",
            "expiry_month": "<month>",
            "expiry_year": "<year>",
            "name": "<name>",
            "number": "<card number>"
      "merchant_txn_ref" :"<ref>",
      "customer_ip" : "<ip>",
      "merchant_id" : "<DASMID>",
        "webhook_url": "",
        "success_url": "",
        "decline_url": ""
        "country": "JP",
        "email": "<email>",
        "address1": "<address 1>",
        "phone_number": "<phone number>",
        "city": "<city>",
        "state": "<state>",
        "postal_code": "<postcode>"
        "country": "JP",
        "email": "<email>",
        "address1": "<address 1>",
        "phone_number": "<phone number>",
        "city": "<city>",
        "state": "<state>",
        "postal_code": "<postcode>"
      "time_zone": "Asia/Kuala_Lumpur",
    Attributes Type Mandatory Max Length Description
    amount float/string/int yes as per Bank The amount of the transaction. Amount limit depends on the bank.
    currency string yes 3 The abbreviation of the processing currency of the product (ex. Japanese Yen: JPY)
    card object yes A JSON object containing the card details
    cvc string yes 4 The security code of the card (3 digits code and 4 digits code for AMEX cards)
    expiry_month string yes 2 The expiry month of the card. Eg. 12 for December
    expiry_year string yes 2 The expiry year of the card. Eg. 24 for year 2024
    name string yes 255 The cardholder’s name on card
    number string yes 16 The card number
    payment_method object yes A JSON object containing Payment Method
    type string yes 128 The Card Scheme (Like VISA, MASTERCARD)
    store_payment_method boolean yes 5 True to generate token or False not to generate
    merchant_txn_ref string yes 45 The merchant transaction reference ID
    customer_ip string yes 45 The IP address of the cardholder
    merchant_id string yes 128 The merchant ID (DASMID)
    return_url object no A JSON object containing the return URL
    webhook_url string no 255 The webhook URL link
    success_url string no 255 The redirect URL link after payment get successful.
    decline_url string no 255 The redirect URL link after payment get failed.
    billing_address object yes A JSON object containing the billing address of cardholder
     ∟  country string yes 2 The cardholder’s billing country code
     ∟  email string yes 45 The cardholder’s billing email address
     ∟  Address1 string yes 199 The cardholder’s billing address line
     ∟  phone_number string yes 20 The cardholder’s billing phone number
     ∟  city string yes 65 The cardholder’s billing city
     ∟  state string yes 65 The cardholder’s billing state
     ∟  postal_code string yes 45 The cardholder’s postal code
    shipping_address object no A JSON object containing the shipping address of cardholder. This object is optional.
     ∟  country string no 2 The cardholder’s shipping country code
     ∟  email string no 45 The cardholder’s shipping email address
     ∟  address1 string no 199 The cardholder’s shipping address line
     ∟  phone_number string no 20 The cardholder’s shipping phone number
     ∟  city string no 65 The cardholder’s shipping city
     ∟  state string no 65 The cardholder’s shipping state
     ∟  postal_code string no 45 The cardholder’s shipping postal code
    time_zone string yes 128 The country time zone of the Transaction
    cardinal_session_id string no 128 The cardinal session Id

    Response Attributes

    Sample Response:

        "success": true,
        "status_code": 201,
        "is_live": false,
        "transaction_type": "<transaction type>",
        "gateway_response": {
            "version": "1",
            "type": "INFO",
            "message": "Payment Successful.",
            "code": "INFO0000"
        "merchant_details": {
            "legal_name": "<Merchant Legal Name>",
            "mid": "<DASMID>",
            "merchant_txn_ref": "<transaction ref>",
            "billing_details": {
                "billing_address": {
                    "country": "<country code>",
                    "email": "<email address>",
                    "address1": "<address1>",
                    "phone_number": "<phone number>",
                    "city": "<city>",
                    "state": "<state>",
                    "postal_code": "<postcode>"
                "shipping_address": {
                    "country": "<country code>",
                    "email": "<email address>",
                    "address1": "<address1>",
                    "phone_number": "<phone number>",
                    "city": "<city>",
                    "state": "<state>",
                    "postal_code": "<postcode>"
            "device_details": {
                "visited_ip": "<ip address>",
                "customer_ip": "<ip address>"
        "payment_details": {
            "amount": "<amount>",
            "response_code": 0,
            "auth_code": "<auth code>",
            "currency": "JPY",
            "payment_method": "<payment method>",
            "scheme": "<card scheme>",
            "card": {
                "name": "<card holder name>",
                "number": "<card number>",
                "exp_month": "<expiry month>",
                "exp_year": "<expiry year>"
        "transaction_details": {
            "id": "bdd7e008-93e5-4777-a4f7-6eb2343cce4d",
            "ref": "<ref>",
            "timestamp": "<date and time>",
            "merchant_txn_ref": "<transaction ref>",
            "stored_payment_method_id": "e9df6c8b-5341-4c74-b6a7-3f05468747cd"
        "risk-details": {
            "risk_score": null
    Attributes Description
    success true on successful transaction. false on failure.
    status_code The status code of the transaction.
    is_live true if live transaction. false if test transaction.
    transaction_type The transaction type: CAPTURE for Purchase transaction & PRE_AUTH for authorization transaction.
    gateway_response A JSON object containing the response from the gateway.
    version The version of the gateway.
    type Type of response, INFO for informative.
    message The message response from the gateway.
    code Message code of response.
    merchant_details A JSON object containing the details of the merchant.
     ∟  legal_name The merchant’s legal name.
     ∟  mid The merchant ID (DASMID).
     ∟  merchant_txn_ref The merchant transaction reference.
    billing_details A JSON object containing the billing details.
     ∟  billing_address A JSON object containing the billing address
       ∟  country The cardholder’s billing country code
       ∟  email The cardholder’s billing email address
       ∟  address1 The cardholder’s billing address line
       ∟  phone_number The cardholder’s billing phone number
       ∟  city The cardholder’s billing city
       ∟  state The cardholder’s billing state
       ∟  postal_code The cardholder’s postal code
     ∟  shipping_address A JSON object containing the shipping address
       ∟  country The cardholder’s shipping country code
       ∟  email The cardholder’s shipping email address
       ∟  address1 The cardholder’s shipping address line
       ∟  phone_number The cardholder’s shipping phone number
       ∟  city The cardholder’s shipping city
       ∟  state The cardholder’s shipping state
       ∟  postal_code The cardholder’s shipping code
    device_details A JSON object containing the details of the device.
     ∟  visited_ip IP address of the payment page.
     ∟  customer_ip IP address of the cardholder.
    payment_details A JSON object containing the Payment details of the transaction.
     ∟  amount The amount value of the transaction.
     ∟  response_code The acquirer response code.
     ∟  auth_code The acquirer authorization code.
     ∟  currency The processing currency of the transaction.
     ∟  payment_method The payment card type: Credit Card or Debit Card.
     ∟  scheme The card brand scheme (VISA, MASTERCARD, or AMEX).
     ∟  card A JSON object containing details of the card.
     ∟  name The cardholders’ name on the card.
     ∟  number The card number.
     ∟  exp_month The expiry month of the card. Eg. 12 for December.
     ∟  exp_year The expiry year of the card. Eg. 24 for year 2024.
    transaction_details A JSON object containing details of the transaction.
     ∟  id The Transaction ID of the transaction.
     ∟  ref The Authorization code of the transaction.
     ∟  timestamp Date and Time of the transaction.
     ∟  merchant_txn_ref The merchant transaction reference ID.
     ∟  stored_payment_method_id The stored payment method ID (Token).
     ∟  risk-details A JSON object containing details of risk.
     ∟  risk_score The risk score.

    Use of Card Token (Purchase/Authorisation)

    Method: POST

    URL : /api/v1/server-to-server-interface/payment

    This payload allows to use a card token (store payment method) for a purchase or an authorisation.

    Request Attributes

    Perform a Purchase or Authorisation Transaction:

      "currency": "JPY"
            "stored_payment_method_id": "e9df6c8b-5341-4c74-b6a7-3f05468747cd"
      "merchant_txn_ref" :"<ref>",
      "customer_ip" : "<ip>",
      "merchant_id" : "<DASMID>",
        "webhook_url": "",
        "success_url": "",
        "decline_url": ""
        "country": "JP",
        "email": "<email>",
        "address1": "<address 1>",
        "phone_number": "<phone number>",
        "city": "<city>",
        "state": "<state>",
        "postal_code": "<postcode>"
        "country": "JP",
        "email": "<email>",
        "address1": "<address 1>",
        "phone_number": "<phone number>",
        "city": "<city>",
        "state": "<state>",
        "postal_code": "<postcode>"
      "time_zone": "Asia/Kuala_Lumpur",
    Attributes Type Mandatory Max Length Description
    amount float/string/int yes as per Bank The amount of the transaction. Amount limit depends on the bank.
    currency string yes 3 The abbreviation of the processing currency of the product (ex. Japanese Yen: JPY)
    payment_method object yes A JSON object containing Payment Method
    type string yes 128 The Card Scheme (Like VISA, MASTERCARD)
    store_payment_method boolean yes 5 True to use token or False not to use
    stored_payment_method_id string yes 128 The stored payment method ID (Token)
    merchant_txn_ref string yes 45 The merchant transaction reference ID
    customer_ip string yes 45 The IP address of the cardholder
    merchant_id string yes 128 The merchant ID (DASMID)
    return_url object no A JSON object containing the return URL
    webhook_url string no 255 The webhook URL link
    success_url string no 255 The redirect URL link after payment get successful.
    decline_url string no 255 The redirect URL link after payment get failed.
    billing_address object yes A JSON object containing the billing address of cardholder
     ∟  country string yes 2 The cardholder’s billing country code
     ∟  email string yes 45 The cardholder’s billing email address
     ∟  Address1 string yes 199 The cardholder’s billing address line
     ∟  phone_number string yes 20 The cardholder’s billing phone number
     ∟  city string yes 65 The cardholder’s billing city
     ∟  state string yes 65 The cardholder’s billing state
     ∟  postal_code string yes 45 The cardholder’s postal code
    shipping_address object no A JSON object containing the shipping address of cardholder. This object is optional.
     ∟  country string no 2 The cardholder’s shipping country code
     ∟  email string no 45 The cardholder’s shipping email address
     ∟  address1 string no 199 The cardholder’s shipping address line
     ∟  phone_number string no 20 The cardholder’s shipping phone number
     ∟  city string no 65 The cardholder’s shipping city
     ∟  state string no 65 The cardholder’s shipping state
     ∟  postal_code string no 45 The cardholder’s shipping postal code
     ∟  time_zone string yes 128 The country time zone of the Transaction
     ∟  cardinal_session_id string no 128 The cardinal session Id

    Response Attributes

    Sample Response:

        "success": true,
        "status_code": 201,
        "is_live": false,
        "transaction_type": "<transaction type>",
        "gateway_response": {
            "version": "1",
            "type": "INFO",
            "message": "Payment Successful.",
            "code": "INFO0000"
        "merchant_details": {
            "legal_name": "<Merchant Legal Name>",
            "mid": "<DASMID>",
            "merchant_txn_ref": "<transaction ref>",
            "billing_details": {
                "billing_address": {
                    "country": "<country code>",
                    "email": "<email address>",
                    "address1": "<address1>",
                    "phone_number": "<phone number>",
                    "city": "<city>",
                    "state": "<state>",
                    "postal_code": "<postcode>"
                "shipping_address": {
                    "country": "<country code>",
                    "email": "<email address>",
                    "address1": "<address1>",
                    "phone_number": "<phone number>",
                    "city": "<city>",
                    "state": "<state>",
                    "postal_code": "<postcode>"
            "device_details": {
                "visited_ip": "<ip address>",
                "customer_ip": "<ip address>"
        "payment_details": {
            "amount": "<amount>",
            "response_code": 0,
            "auth_code": "<auth code>",
            "currency": "JPY",
            "payment_method": "<payment method>",
            "scheme": "<card scheme>",
            "card": {
                "name": "<card holder name>",
                "number": "<card number>",
                "exp_month": "<expiry month>",
                "exp_year": "<expiry year>"
        "transaction_details": {
            "id": "bdd7e008-93e5-4777-a4f7-6eb2343cce4d",
            "ref": "<ref>",
            "timestamp": "<date and time>",
            "merchant_txn_ref": "<transaction ref>",
            "stored_payment_method_id": "e9df6c8b-5341-4c74-b6a7-3f05468747cd"
        "risk-details": {
            "risk_score": null
    Attributes Description
    success true on successful transaction. false on failure.
    status_code The status code of the transaction.
    is_live true if live transaction. false if test transaction.
    transaction_type The transaction type: CAPTURE for Purchase transaction & PRE_AUTH for authorization transaction.
    gateway_response A JSON object containing the response from the gateway.
    version The version of the gateway.
    type Type of response, INFO for informative.
    message The message response from the gateway.
    code Message code of response.
    merchant_details A JSON object containing the details of the merchant.
     ∟  legal_name The merchant’s legal name.
     ∟  mid The merchant ID (DASMID).
     ∟  merchant_txn_ref The merchant transaction reference.
    billing_details A JSON object containing the billing details.
     ∟  billing_address A JSON object containing the billing address
       ∟  country The cardholder’s billing country code
       ∟  email The cardholder’s billing email address
       ∟  address1 The cardholder’s billing address line
       ∟  phone_number The cardholder’s billing phone number
       ∟  city The cardholder’s billing city
       ∟  state The cardholder’s billing state
       ∟  postal_code The cardholder’s postal code
     ∟  shipping_address A JSON object containing the shipping address
       ∟  country The cardholder’s shipping country code
       ∟  email The cardholder’s shipping email address
       ∟  address1 The cardholder’s shipping address line
       ∟  phone_number The cardholder’s shipping phone number
       ∟  city The cardholder’s shipping city
       ∟  state The cardholder’s shipping state
       ∟  postal_code The cardholder’s shipping code
    device_details A JSON object containing the details of the device.
     ∟  visited_ip IP address of payment page.
     ∟  customer_ip IP address of the cardholder.
    payment_details A JSON object containing the Payment details of the transaction.
     ∟  amount The amount value of the transaction.
     ∟  response_code The acquirer response code.
     ∟  auth_code The acquirer authorization code.
     ∟  currency The processing currency of the transaction.
     ∟  payment_method The payment card type: Credit Card or Debit Card.
     ∟  scheme The card brand scheme (VISA, MASTERCARD, or AMEX).
     ∟  card A JSON object containing details of the card.
     ∟  name The cardholders’ name on the card.
     ∟  number The card number.
     ∟  exp_month The expiry month of the card. Eg. 12 for December.
     ∟  exp_year The expiry year of the card. Eg. 24 for year 2024.
    transaction_details A JSON object containing details of the transaction.
     ∟  id The Transaction ID of the transaction.
     ∟  ref The Authorization code of the transaction.
     ∟  timestamp Date and Time of the transaction.
     ∟  merchant_txn_ref The merchant transaction reference ID.
     ∟  stored_payment_method_id The stored payment method ID (Token).
    risk-details A JSON object containing details of risk.
     ∟  risk_score The risk score.

    Create Subscription

    Method: POST

    URL : /api/v1/server-to-server-interface/subscription/payment

    This payload allows to perform a Subscription transaction.

    Request Attributes

    Perform a Purchase Transaction:

      "currency": "JPY",
         "card": {
            "cvc": "<cvv>",
            "expiry_month": "<month>",
            "expiry_year": "<year>",
            "name": "<name>",
            "number": "<card number>"
      "merchant_txn_ref" :"<ref>",
      "customer_ip" : "<ip>",
      "merchant_id" : "<DASMID>",
        "webhook_url": "",
        "success_url": "",
        "decline_url": ""
        "country": "JP",
        "email": "<email>",
        "address1": "<address 1>",
        "phone_number": "<phone number>",
        "city": "<city>",
        "state": "<state>",
        "postal_code": "<postcode>"
        "country": "JP",
        "email": "<email>",
        "address1": "<address 1>",
        "phone_number": "<phone number>",
        "city": "<city>",
        "state": "<state>",
        "postal_code": "<postcode>"
      "time_zone": "Asia/Kuala_Lumpur",
        "subscription": {
            "plan_name": "Two day plan",
            "plan_desc": "Two day plan",
            "cycle_type": "DAYS",
            "subscription_end_type": "CYCLE",
            "cycle_interval": 1,
            "max_cycle_count": 2,
            "has_trial_period": false,
            "trial_period_duration_type": "DAYS",
            "trial_period_duration": 10,
            "has_discount": true,
            "discount_percentage": 10,
            "discount_duration": 1
    Attributes Type Mandatory Max Length Description
    amount float/string/int yes as per Bank The amount of the transaction. Amount limit depends on the bank.
    currency string yes 3 The abbreviation of the processing currency of the product (ex. Japanese Yen: JPY)
    card object yes A JSON object containing the card details
    cvc string yes 4 The security code of the card (3 digits code and 4 digits code for AMEX cards)
    expiry_month string yes 2 The expiry month of the card. Eg. 12 for December
    expiry_year string yes 2 The expiry year of the card. Eg. 24 for year 2024
    name string yes 255 The cardholder’s name on card
    number string yes 16 The card number
    merchant_txn_ref string yes 45 The merchant transaction reference ID
    customer_ip string yes 45 The IP address of the cardholder
    merchant_id string yes 128 The merchant ID (DASMID)
    return_url object no A JSON object containing the return URL
    webhook_url string no 255 The webhook URL link
    success_url string no 255 The redirect URL link after payment get successful.
    decline_url string no 255 The redirect URL link after payment get failed.
    billing_address object yes A JSON object containing the billing address of cardholder.
     ∟  country string yes 2 The cardholder’s billing country code
     ∟  email string yes 45 The cardholder’s billing email address
     ∟  Address1 string yes 199 The cardholder’s billing address line
     ∟  phone_number string yes 20 The cardholder’s billing phone number
     ∟  city string yes 65 The cardholder’s billing city
     ∟  state string yes 65 The cardholder’s billing state
     ∟  postal_code string yes 45 The cardholder’s postal code
    shipping_address object no A JSON object containing the shipping address of cardholder. This object is optional.
     ∟  country string no 2 The cardholder’s shipping country code
     ∟  email string no 45 The cardholder’s shipping email address
     ∟  address1 string no 199 The cardholder’s shipping address line
     ∟  phone_number string no 20 The cardholder’s shipping phone number
     ∟  city string no 65 The cardholder’s shipping city
     ∟  state string no 65 The cardholder’s shipping state
     ∟  postal_code string no 45 The cardholder’s shipping postal code
     ∟  time_zone string yes 128 The country time zone of the Transaction
     ∟  cardinal_session_id string yes 128 The cardinal session ID (3D Transactions) (mandatory for 3DS transactions only)
     ∟  subscription object yes A JSON object containing the subscription
     ∟  plan_name string yes 100 The name of the plan.
     ∟  plan_desc string yes 200 The description of the plan
     ∟  cycle_type string yes Constant Type of cycle (DAYS/MONTHS)
     ∟  subscription_end_type string yes Constant Subscription Type (CYCLE: when defining the number of cycle) else it will be infinite
     ∟  cycle_interval int yes 9999 The number of cycle intervals (mandatory if Subscription Type: CYCLE)
     ∟  max_cycle_count int yes 9999 The number of cycles for the subscription (mandatory if Subscription Type: CYCLE)
     ∟  has_trial_period boolean yes 5 True if the subscription has a trial period
     ∟  trial_period_duration_type string yes Constant Type of Trial Period (DAYS, MONTHS) (mandatory if has_trial_period: True)
     ∟  trial_period_duration int yes 9999 Duration of the Trial Period (mandatory if has_trial_period: True)
     ∟  has_discount boolean yes 5 True if the Subscription has a discount
     ∟  discount_percentage int/float yes 100% The percentage of discount (mandatory if has_discount: True)
     ∟  discount_duration int yes 9999 The duration of the discount (mandatory if has_discount: True)

    Response Attributes

    Sample Response:

        "success": true,
        "status_code": 201,
        "is_live": false,
        "transaction_type": "CAPTURE",
        "gateway_response": {
            "version": "1",
            "type": "INFO",
            "message": "Payment Successful.",
            "code": "INFO0000"
        "merchant_details": {
            "legal_name": "<Merchant Legal Name>",
            "mid": "<DASMID>",
            "merchant_txn_ref": "<transaction ref>",
            "billing_details": {
                "billing_address": {
                    "country": "<country code>",
                    "email": "<email address>",
                    "address1": "<address1>",
                    "phone_number": "<phone number>",
                    "city": "<city>",
                    "state": "<state>",
                    "postal_code": "<postcode>"
                "shipping_address": {
                    "country": "<country code>",
                    "email": "<email address>",
                    "address1": "<address1>",
                    "phone_number": "<phone number>",
                    "city": "<city>",
                    "state": "<state>",
                    "postal_code": "<postcode>"
            "device_details": {
                "visited_ip": "<ip address>",
                "customer_ip": "<ip address>"
        "payment_details": {
            "amount": "<amount>",
            "response_code": 0,
            "auth_code": "<auth code>",
            "currency": "JPY",
            "payment_method": "<payment method>",
            "scheme": "<card scheme>",
            "card": {
                "name": "<card holder name>",
                "number": "<card number>",
                "exp_month": "<expiry month>",
                "exp_year": "<expiry year>"
        "transaction_details": {
            "id": "bdd7e008-93e5-4777-a4f7-6eb2343cce4d",
            "ref": "<ref>",
            "timestamp": "<date and time>",
            "merchant_txn_ref": "<transaction ref>",
            "stored_payment_method_id": null
        "risk-details": {
            "risk_score": null
        "subscription_details": {
            "id": "da39cae4-cf29-4e64-9438-1a7d0a76d4c3",
            "type": "CYCLE",
            "max_cycle_count": 2,
            "status": "ACTIVE",
            "completed_payment_cycle": 1,
            "next_payment_date": "2023-08-29T05:25:24.094Z",
            "next_payment_cycle": 2,
            "subscription_plan_details": {
                "name": "Two day plan",
                "desc": "Two day plan",
                "billing_cycle_type": "DAYS",
                "billing_cycle_interval": 1,
                "amount": 1000,
                "ccy": "JPY",
                "trial_period_duration": "",
                "trial_period_duration_type": "NONE",
                "plan_discount_percentage": 10,
                "plan_discount_duration": 1
    Attributes Description
    success true on successful transaction. false on failure.
    status_code The status code of the transaction.
    is_live true if live transaction. false if test transaction.
    transaction_type The transaction type: CAPTURE for Purchase transaction.
    gateway_response A JSON object containing the response from the gateway.
    version The version of the gateway.
    type Type of response, INFO for informative.
    message The message response from the gateway.
    code Message code of response.
    merchant_details A JSON object containing the details of the merchant.
     ∟  legal_name The merchant’s legal name.
     ∟  mid The merchant ID (DASMID).
     ∟  merchant_txn_ref The merchant transaction reference.
    billing_details A JSON object containing the billing details.
     ∟  billing_address A JSON object containing the billing address
       ∟  country The cardholder’s billing country code
       ∟  email The cardholder’s billing email address
       ∟  address1 The cardholder’s billing address line
       ∟  phone_number The cardholder’s billing phone number
       ∟  city The cardholder’s billing city
       ∟  state The cardholder’s billing state
       ∟  postal_code The cardholder’s postal code
     ∟  shipping_address A JSON object containing the shipping address
       ∟  country The cardholder’s shipping country code
       ∟  email The cardholder’s shipping email address
       ∟  address1 The cardholder’s shipping address line
       ∟  phone_number The cardholder’s shipping phone number
       ∟  city The cardholder’s shipping city
       ∟  state The cardholder’s shipping state
       ∟  postal_code The cardholder’s shipping code
    device_details A JSON object containing the details of the device.
     ∟  visited_ip IP address of payment page.
     ∟  customer_ip IP address of cardholder.
    payment_details A JSON object containing the Payment details of the transaction.
     ∟  amount The amount value of the transaction.
     ∟  response_code The acquirer response code.
     ∟  auth_code The acquirer authorization code.
     ∟  currency The processing currency of the transaction.
     ∟  payment_method The payment card type: Credit Card or Debit Card.
     ∟  scheme The card brand scheme (VISA, MASTERCARD, or AMEX).
     ∟  card A JSON object containing details of the card.
     ∟  name The cardholder’s name on the card.
     ∟  number The card number.
     ∟  exp_month The expiry month of the card. Eg. 12 for December.
     ∟  exp_year The expiry year of the card. Eg. 24 for year 2024.
     ∟  transaction_details A JSON object containing details of the transaction.
     ∟  id The Transaction ID of the transaction.
     ∟  ref The Authorization code of the transaction.
     ∟  timestamp Date and Time of the transaction.
     ∟  merchant_txn_ref The merchant transaction reference ID.
     ∟  stored_payment_method_id The stored payment method ID (Token).
    risk-details A JSON object containing details of risk.
     ∟  risk_score The risk score.
    subscription_details A JSON object containing subscription details.
     ∟  id The Subscription ID.
     ∟  type The Type of subscription (CYCLE or Unlimited).
     ∟  max_cycle_count The number of maximum cycle.
     ∟  status Status of the subscription.
     ∟  completed_payment_cycle The number of completed payment cycle.
     ∟  next_payment_date The next payment date of the subscription.
     ∟  next_payment_cycle The next payment cycle number.
    subscription_plan_details A JSON object containing subscription plan details.
     ∟  name The name of the subscription plan.
     ∟  desc The description of the subscription plan.
     ∟  billing_cycle_type Type of cycle (DAYS/MONTHS).
     ∟  billing_cycle_interval The number of cycle interval.
     ∟  amount The payment amount of the subscription plan.
     ∟  ccy The currency of the subscription transaction.
     ∟  trial_period_duration Duration of Trial Period (if has_trial_period: True).
     ∟  trial_period_duration_type Type of Trial Period (DAYS, MONTHS) (if has_trial_period: True).
     ∟  plan_discount_percentage The percentage of discount (if has_discount: True).
     ∟  plan_discount_duration The duration of discount (if has_discount: True).

    Subscription List

    Method: GET

    URL : /api/v1/server-to-server-interface/subscription/list

    This URL will display a list of all Subscription transactions

    Response Attributes

    Sample Response:

        "success": true,
        "status_code": 200,
        "is_live": false,
        "subscription_details": [
                "id": "0a0a8fe3-a084-48d2-becf-9926d9dbdaf3",
                "type": "CYCLE",
                "max_cycle_count": 2,
                "status": "ACTIVE",
                "completed_payment_cycle": 1,
                "last_payment_status": "SUCCESSFUL",
                "next_payment_date": "2023-09-23T13:44:18.647Z",
                "next_payment_cycle": 2,
                "subscription_plan_details": {
                    "name": "Two day plan",
                    "desc": "Two day plan",
                    "billing_cycle_type": "MONTHLY",
                    "billing_cycle_interval": "",
                    "amount": 101,
                    "ccy": "JPY",
                    "trial_period_duration": "",
                    "trial_period_duration_type": "NONE",
                    "plan_discount_percentage": "",
                    "plan_discount_duration": ""
                "subscription_transcation_details": [
                        "id": "c853f15e-4464-4a4d-b1ea-045c6362684c",
                        "ref": 40453,
                        "cycle": 1,
                        "status": "PENDING",
                        "transaction_date": "2023-08-24T13:44:19.000Z",
                        "amount": 101,
                        "ccy": "JPY",
                        "event": "AUTHORISED"
    Attributes Description
    success true on successful transaction. false on failure.
    status_code The status code of the transaction.
    is_live true if live transaction. false if test transaction.
    subscription_details A JSON object containing subscription details (can contain multiple subscriptions).
     ∟  id The Subscription ID.
     ∟  type The Type of subscription (CYCLE or Unlimited).
     ∟  max_cycle_count The number of maximum cycle.
     ∟  status Status of the subscription.
     ∟  completed_payment_cycle The number of completed payment cycle.
     ∟  next_payment_date The next payment date of the subscription.
     ∟  next_payment_cycle The next payment cycle number.
    subscription_plan_details A JSON object containing subscription plan details.
     ∟  name The name of the subscription plan.
     ∟  desc The description of the subscription plan.
     ∟  billing_cycle_type Type of cycle (DAYS/MONTHS).
     ∟  billing_cycle_interval The number of cycle intervals.
     ∟  amount The payment amount of the subscription plan.
     ∟  ccy The currency of the subscription transaction.
     ∟  trial_period_duration Duration of Trial Period (if has_trial_period: True).
     ∟  trial_period_duration_type Type of Trial Period (DAYS, MONTHS) (if has_trial_period: True).
     ∟  plan_discount_percentage The percentage of discount (if has_discount: True).
     ∟  plan_discount_duration The duration of discount (if has_discount: True).
    Subscription_transaction_details A JSON object containing subscription details (can contain multiple subscription transactions).
     ∟  id The Transaction ID of this subscription transaction.
     ∟  ref The reference of the subscription transaction.
     ∟  cycle The number of payment cycles of the subscription.
     ∟  status The status of the subscription transaction.
     ∟  transaction_date The date of the subscription transaction.
     ∟  amount The payment amount of the subscription transaction.
     ∟  ccy The currency of the subscription transaction.
     ∟  event The subscription transaction event.

    Subscription Details

    Method: GET

    URL : /api/v1/server-to-server-interface/subscription/<Subscription Id>

    This URL will display the Subscription transaction details by Subscription ID

    Request Attributes

    Attributes Type Mandatory Max Length Description
    Subscription ID string yes 36 The Subscription ID of the subscription.

    Response Attributes

    Sample Response:

        "success": true,
        "status_code": 200,
        "is_live": false,
        "subscription_details": [
                "id": "0a0a8fe3-a084-48d2-becf-9926d9dbdaf3",
                "type": "CYCLE",
                "max_cycle_count": 2,
                "status": "ACTIVE",
                "completed_payment_cycle": 1,
                "last_payment_status": "SUCCESSFUL",
                "next_payment_date": "2023-09-23T13:44:18.647Z",
                "next_payment_cycle": 2,
                "subscription_plan_details": {
                    "name": "Two day plan",
                    "desc": "Two day plan",
                    "billing_cycle_type": "MONTHLY",
                    "billing_cycle_interval": "",
                    "amount": 101,
                    "ccy": "JPY",
                    "trial_period_duration": "",
                    "trial_period_duration_type": "NONE",
                    "plan_discount_percentage": "",
                    "plan_discount_duration": ""
                "subscription_transcation_details": [
                        "id": "c853f15e-4464-4a4d-b1ea-045c6362684c",
                        "ref": 40453,
                        "cycle": 1,
                        "status": "PENDING",
                        "transaction_date": "2023-08-24T13:44:19.000Z",
                        "amount": 101,
                        "ccy": "JPY",
                        "event": "AUTHORISED"
    Attributes Description
    success true on successful transaction. false on failure.
    status_code The status code of the transaction.
    is_live true if live transaction. false if test transaction.
    subscription_details A JSON object containing subscription details.
     ∟  id The Subscription ID.
     ∟  type The Type of subscription (CYCLE or Unlimited).
     ∟  max_cycle_count The number of maximum cycle.
     ∟  status Status of the subscription.
     ∟  completed_payment_cycle The number of completed payment cycle.
     ∟  next_payment_date The next payment date of the subscription.
     ∟  next_payment_cycle The next payment cycle number.
    subscription_plan_details A JSON object containing subscription plan details.
     ∟  name The name of the subscription plan.
     ∟  desc The description of the subscription plan.
     ∟  billing_cycle_type Type of cycle (DAYS/MONTHS).
     ∟  billing_cycle_interval The number of cycle intervals.
     ∟  amount The payment amount of the subscription plan.
     ∟  ccy The currency of the subscription transaction.
     ∟  trial_period_duration Duration of Trial Period (if has_trial_period: True).
     ∟  trial_period_duration_type Type of Trial Period (DAYS, MONTHS) (if has_trial_period: True).
     ∟  plan_discount_percentage The percentage of discount (if has_discount: True).
     ∟  plan_discount_duration The duration of discount (if has_discount: True).
    Subscription_transaction_details A JSON object containing subscription details (can contain multiple subscription transactions).
     ∟  id The Transaction ID of this subscription transaction.
     ∟  ref The reference of the subscription transaction.
     ∟  cycle The number of payment cycles of the subscription.
     ∟  status The status of the subscription transaction.
     ∟  transaction_date The date of the subscription transaction.
     ∟  amount The payment amount of the subscription transaction.
     ∟  ccy The currency of the subscription transaction.
     ∟  event The subscription transaction event.

    Subscription Pause

    Method: GET

    URL : /api/v1/server-to-server-interface/subscription/<Subscription ID>/pause

    Request Attributes

    Attributes Type Mandatory Max Length Description
    Subscription ID string yes 36 The Subscription ID of the subscription.

    Response Attributes

    Sample Response:

        "success": true,
        "status_code": 200,
        "is_live": false,
        "gateway_response": {
            "version": "1",
            "type": "INFO",
            "message": "Subscription Updated.",
            "code": "INFO3000"
        "subscription_details": {
            "id": "da39cae4-cf29-4e64-9438-1a7d0a76d4c3",
            "type": "CYCLE",
            "max_cycle_count": 2,
            "status": "PAUSED",
            "completed_payment_cycle": 1,
            "last_payment_status": "SUCCESSFUL",
            "next_payment_date": "2023-08-29T05:25:24.094Z",
            "next_payment_cycle": 2,
            "subscription_plan_details": {
                "name": "Two day plan",
                "desc": "Two day plan",
                "billing_cycle_type": "DAYS",
                "billing_cycle_interval": 1,
                "amount": 1000,
                "ccy": "JPY",
                "trial_period_duration": "",
                "trial_period_duration_type": "NONE",
                "plan_discount_percentage": 10,
                "plan_discount_duration": 1
            "subscription_transcation_details": [
                    "id": "ca72d9a9-ba1a-432b-9c53-b21fac13cea3",
                    "ref": 40842,
                    "cycle": 1,
                    "status": "SUCCESSFUL",
                    "transaction_date": "2023-08-28T05:25:24.000Z",
                    "amount": 900,
                    "ccy": "JPY",
                    "event": "CAPTURED"
    Attributes Description
    success true on successful transaction. false on failure.
    status_code The status code of the transaction.
    is_live true if live transaction. false if test transaction.
    subscription_details A JSON object containing subscription details.
     ∟  id The Subscription ID.
     ∟  type The Type of subscription (CYCLE or Unlimited).
     ∟  max_cycle_count The number of maximum cycle.
     ∟  status Status of the subscription.
     ∟  completed_payment_cycle The number of completed payment cycle.
     ∟  next_payment_date The next payment date of the subscription.
     ∟  next_payment_cycle The next payment cycle number.
    subscription_plan_details A JSON object containing subscription plan details.
     ∟  name The name of the subscription plan.
     ∟  desc The description of the subscription plan.
     ∟  billing_cycle_type Type of cycle (DAYS/MONTHS).
     ∟  billing_cycle_interval The number of cycle intervals.
     ∟  amount The payment amount of the subscription plan.
     ∟  ccy The currency of the subscription transaction.
     ∟  trial_period_duration Duration of Trial Period (if has_trial_period: True).
     ∟  trial_period_duration_type Type of Trial Period (DAYS, MONTHS) (if has_trial_period: True).
     ∟  plan_discount_percentage The percentage of discount (if has_discount: True).
     ∟  plan_discount_duration The duration of discount (if has_discount: True).
    Subscription_transaction_details A JSON object containing subscription details (can contain multiple subscription transactions).
     ∟  id The Transaction ID of this subscription transaction.
     ∟  ref The reference of the subscription transaction.
     ∟  cycle The number of payment cycles of the subscription.
     ∟  status The status of the subscription transaction.
     ∟  transaction_date The date of the subscription transaction.
     ∟  amount The payment amount of the subscription transaction.
     ∟  ccy The currency of the subscription transaction.
     ∟  event The subscription transaction event.

    Subscription Resume

    Method: GET

    URL : /api/v1/server-to-server-interface/subscription/<Subscription ID>/resume

    Request Attributes

    Attributes Type Mandatory Max Length Description
    Subscription ID string yes 36 The Subscription ID of the subscription.

    Response Attributes

    Sample Response:

        "success": true,
        "status_code": 200,
        "is_live": false,
        "gateway_response": {
            "version": "1",
            "type": "INFO",
            "message": "Subscription Updated.",
            "code": "INFO3000"
        "subscription_details": {
            "id": "da39cae4-cf29-4e64-9438-1a7d0a76d4c3",
            "type": "CYCLE",
            "max_cycle_count": 2,
            "status": "ACTIVE",
            "completed_payment_cycle": 1,
            "last_payment_status": "SUCCESSFUL",
            "next_payment_date": "2023-08-29T05:25:24.094Z",
            "next_payment_cycle": 2,
            "subscription_plan_details": {
                "name": "Two day plan",
                "desc": "Two day plan",
                "billing_cycle_type": "DAYS",
                "billing_cycle_interval": 1,
                "amount": 1000,
                "ccy": "JPY",
                "trial_period_duration": "",
                "trial_period_duration_type": "NONE",
                "plan_discount_percentage": 10,
                "plan_discount_duration": 1
            "subscription_transcation_details": [
                    "id": "ca72d9a9-ba1a-432b-9c53-b21fac13cea3",
                    "ref": 40842,
                    "cycle": 1,
                    "status": "SUCCESSFUL",
                    "transaction_date": "2023-08-28T05:25:24.000Z",
                    "amount": 900,
                    "ccy": "JPY",
                    "event": "CAPTURED"
    Attributes Description
    success true on successful transaction. false on failure.
    status_code The status code of the transaction.
    is_live true if live transaction. false if test transaction.
    subscription_details A JSON object containing subscription details.
     ∟  id The Subscription ID.
     ∟  type The Type of subscription (CYCLE or Unlimited).
     ∟  max_cycle_count The number of maximum cycle.
     ∟  status Status of the subscription.
     ∟  completed_payment_cycle The number of completed payment cycle.
     ∟  next_payment_date The next payment date of the subscription.
     ∟  next_payment_cycle The next payment cycle number.
    subscription_plan_details A JSON object containing subscription plan details.
     ∟  name The name of the subscription plan.
     ∟  desc The description of the subscription plan.
     ∟  billing_cycle_type Type of cycle (DAYS/MONTHS).
     ∟  billing_cycle_interval The number of cycle intervals.
     ∟  amount The payment amount of the subscription plan.
     ∟  ccy The currency of the subscription transaction.
     ∟  trial_period_duration Duration of Trial Period (if has_trial_period: True).
     ∟  trial_period_duration_type Type of Trial Period (DAYS, MONTHS) (if has_trial_period: True).
     ∟  plan_discount_percentage The percentage of discount (if has_discount: True).
     ∟  plan_discount_duration The duration of discount (if has_discount: True).
    Subscription_transaction_details A JSON object containing subscription details (can contain multiple subscription transactions).
     ∟  id The Transaction ID of this subscription transaction.
     ∟  ref The reference of the subscription transaction.
     ∟  cycle The number of payment cycles of the subscription.
     ∟  status The status of the subscription transaction.
     ∟  transaction_date The date of the subscription transaction.
     ∟  amount The payment amount of the subscription transaction.
     ∟  ccy The currency of the subscription transaction.
     ∟  event The subscription transaction event.

    Subscription Cancel

    Method: GET

    URL : /api/v1/server-to-server-interface/subscription/<Subscription ID>/cancel

    Request Attributes

    Attributes Type Mandatory Max Length Description
    Subscription ID string yes 36 The Subscription ID of the subscription.

    Response Attributes

    Sample Response:

        "success": true,
        "status_code": 200,
        "is_live": false,
        "gateway_response": {
            "version": "1",
            "type": "INFO",
            "message": "Subscription Updated.",
            "code": "INFO3000"
        "subscription_details": {
            "id": "da39cae4-cf29-4e64-9438-1a7d0a76d4c3",
            "type": "CYCLE",
            "max_cycle_count": 2,
            "status": "CANCELLED",
            "completed_payment_cycle": 1,
            "last_payment_status": "SUCCESSFUL",
            "next_payment_date": "2023-08-29T05:25:24.094Z",
            "next_payment_cycle": 2,
            "subscription_plan_details": {
                "name": "Two day plan",
                "desc": "Two day plan",
                "billing_cycle_type": "DAYS",
                "billing_cycle_interval": 1,
                "amount": 1000,
                "ccy": "JPY",
                "trial_period_duration": "",
                "trial_period_duration_type": "NONE",
                "plan_discount_percentage": 10,
                "plan_discount_duration": 1
            "subscription_transcation_details": [
                    "id": "ca72d9a9-ba1a-432b-9c53-b21fac13cea3",
                    "ref": 40842,
                    "cycle": 1,
                    "status": "SUCCESSFUL",
                    "transaction_date": "2023-08-28T05:25:24.000Z",
                    "amount": 900,
                    "ccy": "JPY",
                    "event": "CAPTURED"
    Attributes Description
    success true on successful transaction. false on failure.
    status_code The status code of the transaction.
    is_live true if live transaction. false if test transaction.
    subscription_details A JSON object containing subscription details.
     ∟  id The Subscription ID.
     ∟  type The Type of subscription (CYCLE or Unlimited).
     ∟  max_cycle_count The number of maximum cycle.
     ∟  status Status of the subscription.
     ∟  completed_payment_cycle The number of completed payment cycle.
     ∟  next_payment_date The next payment date of the subscription.
     ∟  next_payment_cycle The next payment cycle number.
    subscription_plan_details A JSON object containing subscription plan details.
     ∟  name The name of the subscription plan.
     ∟  desc The description of the subscription plan.
     ∟  billing_cycle_type Type of cycle (DAYS/MONTHS).
     ∟  billing_cycle_interval The number of cycle intervals.
     ∟  amount The payment amount of the subscription plan.
     ∟  ccy The currency of the subscription transaction.
     ∟  trial_period_duration Duration of Trial Period (if has_trial_period: True).
     ∟  trial_period_duration_type Type of Trial Period (DAYS, MONTHS) (if has_trial_period: True).
     ∟  plan_discount_percentage The percentage of discount (if has_discount: True).
     ∟  plan_discount_duration The duration of discount (if has_discount: True).
    Subscription_transaction_details A JSON object containing subscription details (can contain multiple subscription transactions).
     ∟  id The Transaction ID of this subscription transaction.
     ∟  ref The reference of the subscription transaction.
     ∟  cycle The number of payment cycles of the subscription.
     ∟  status The status of the subscription transaction.
     ∟  transaction_date The date of the subscription transaction.
     ∟  amount The payment amount of the subscription transaction.
     ∟  ccy The currency of the subscription transaction.
     ∟  event The subscription transaction event.

    Gateway Codes

    HTTP Response

    HTTP response codes returned by the gateway, indicating the status of the request

    HTTP Response Description
    200 Request Successful
    201 Resource Created
    400 Bad Request
    401 Unauthorized
    404 Not Found
    406 Not Acceptable (Invalid card)
    412 Precondition Failed
    500 Server Error
    502 Bad Gateway
    504 Gateway Time-out

    Response Codes

    Response codes returned by the gateway, indicating the status of the request.

    Response Code Description
    -1 DAS Gateway Error
    0 Payment Successful
    1 Refer to card issuer OR Referred Call Authorization Center
    2 Refer to card issuer special condition
    3 Invalid merchant OR Invalid merchant or service provider
    4 Capture card OR Declined Retain Card
    5 Do not honour OR Declined
    6 Error
    7 Failed Signature
    8 Honour with ID OR Transaction approved with ID
    10 Partial Approval
    12 Invalid transaction
    13 Invalid amount OR Invalid amount (currency conversion overflow)
    14 Invalid card number OR Invalid account number (no such number)
    15 Invalid issuer
    19 Re-enter transaction
    20 ERROR OR No action taken (unable to back out prior)
    25 Unable to locate record in file or account
    28 File is temporarily unavailable
    30 Format error OR ERROR
    39 No credit account
    41 Lost card OR Pickup card (lost card)
    43 Stolen card OR Pickup card (stolen card)
    51 Insufficient funds OR Insufficient funds/over credit limit
    52 No checking account
    53 No savings account
    54 Expired card OR Declined Expired Card
    55 Invalid PIN OR ERROR
    57 Transaction not permitted to issuer/cardholder
    58 Transaction not permitted to acquirer/terminal
    59 Suspected Fraud (Visa)
    61 Exceeds withdrawal amount limit
    62 Restricted card OR Restricted card (in Country Exclusion table)
    63 Unable to authorize OR ERROR
    64 Unable to authorize
    65 Exceeds withdrawal count limit OR Authentication requested
    68 Time out
    70 Contact Card Issuer
    71 PIN Not Changed
    75 Allowable number of PIN tries exceeded
    76 Invalid/nonexistent OR Invalid/nonexistent specified
    77 Invalid/nonexistent OR Invalid/nonexistent specified
    78 Invalid/nonexistent account specified (general)
    79 Already reversed (Visa) OR Lifecycle reasons (Mastercard)
    80 Visa transactions: credit issuer unavailable.
    82 Negative CAM dCVV iCVV or CVV results (Visa) OR Policy reasons (Mastercard)
    83 STIP cannot approve (Visa) OR Fraud Security related reasons (Mastercard)
    84 Invalid Authorization Life Cycle
    85 Not declined. Valid for AVS only balance Inq OR No reason to decline a request
    86 Cannot Verify PIN
    88 Unable to authorize
    89 Unacceptable PIN - Transaction Declined - Retry OR Ineligible to receive
    91 Authorization System or issuer system inoperative OR Authorization System or issuer system inop
    92 Unable to route transaction OR Destination cannot be found for routing
    93 Transaction cannot be completed violation of law
    94 Duplicate transmission detected
    96 System error OR Unable to authorize
    98 ERROR
    99 ERROR
    397 Surcharge amount not permitted on Visa
    398 Surcharge not supported
    442 Acquirer Institution Identification Code in the request message is not registered at CAFIS
    443 CAFIS System Error. Try again
    444 The acquirer system is busy. Try again
    445 Acquirer system error. Try again
    446 The acquirer system has closed. Try again
    447 CAFIS System Error. Try again
    448 Illegal encoding format. Try again
    449 CAFIS System Error. Try again
    450 CAFIS System Error. Try again
    451 Advice message already received
    452 CAFIS detected a timeout when it sent the message to the acquirer. Try again
    453 CAFIS System Error. Try again
    454 CAFIS System Error. Try again
    455 CAFIS System Error. Try again
    456 CAFIS System Error. Try again
    457 CAFIS System Error. Try again
    458 The acquirer does not support the service
    459 CAFIS System Error. Try again
    460 CAFIS System Error. Try again
    577 The card is unusable.
    578 The transaction is pending.
    579 PIN is incorrect
    580 Security Code is incorrect
    581 Security Code is not set
    582 JIS2 stripe information is invalid
    583 The card is maxed out for the day. (insufficient funds)
    584 The amount exceeds the limit for the day. (insufficient funds)
    586 The card is invalid. (MOD 10 check failed)
    587 The card is invalid (lost/stolen).
    588 The card is invalid. (MOD 10 check failed)
    589 Message element Primary Account Number value is invalid (MOD 10 check failed)
    590 Message element Merchant Type value is invalid
    591 Message element Transaction Amount value is invalid
    592 Message element Tax and Postage value is invalid
    593 Bonus Count value is invalid
    594 Bonus Month value is invalid
    595 Bonus Amount value is invalid
    596 First Payment Month value is invalid
    597 Instalment Count value is invalid
    598 Instalment Amount value is invalid
    599 First Payment Amount value is invalid
    600 Message elements Service Code Business Code and Message Code value is invalid
    601 Message element Payment Division value is invalid
    602 Message element Inquiry Division value is invalid
    603 Message element Cancel Division value is invalid
    604 Message element Original Payment Division value is invalid
    605 The card is expired.
    606 The card is not applicable to the service.
    607 The acquirer service is completed.
    608 The invalid card (lost/stolen) has an error.
    609 The request message cannot be processed for some reason.
    610 The request message for which a transaction is not supported is received
    611 The request message from a centre which has not made the contact.
    622 Message element Service Code setting error
    623 Message element Business Code setting error
    624 Message element Message Code setting error
    625 Message element Processor Code setting error
    626 Message element Merchant Code setting error
    627 Message element Transaction Identifier setting error
    628 Message element Processor Transaction Date-Time setting error
    629 Message element Card Acceptor Terminal Identification setting error
    630 Message element Encryption Method Code setting error
    631 Message element Key Encryption Key Index in Use setting error
    632 Message element Processor Authentication Key Index setting error
    633 Message element Message Encryption Key setting error
    634 Message element Message Authentication Code setting error
    635 Message element Acquirer Institution Identification Code setting error
    636 Message element Primary Account Number setting error
    637 Message element Expiration Date setting error
    638 Message element Track-2 Data setting error
    639 Message element PIN Data setting error
    640 Message element Merchant Type setting error
    641 Message element Transaction Amount setting error
    642 Message element Tax and Postage setting error
    643 Message element Point of Service Data Code setting error
    645 Message element Cancel Division setting error
    646 Message element Original Terminal Processing Serial Number setting error
    647 Message element Original Payment Division setting error
    658 Message element Original Processor Transaction Date-Time setting error
    659 Message element Original Transaction Identifier setting error
    660 Message element Free Field setting error
    661 Message element Terminal Processing Serial Number setting error
    662 Message element Security Code setting error
    663 Message element Electronic Commerce Indicator setting error
    664 Message element XID setting error
    665 Message element Accountholder Authentication Value setting error
    666 Message element Transaction Status setting error
    667 Message element Message Version Number setting error
    668 Message element CAVV Algorithm setting error
    669 Message element Recurring Flag setting error
    670 Element Block (e.g. General Transaction Info setting error)
    671 Combination of message elements Service Code and Message Code setting is incorrect
    672 Message element Processor Authentication Key Index setting error
    673 There is more than one original transaction to reverse. Unable to reverse the transaction
    674 Combination of message elements Processor Code and Merchant Code setting is incorrect
    675 Global GEAR System Error. Try Again.
    676 Global GEAR System Error. Transaction result is unclear.
    677 Global GEAR System Error. Transaction result is unclear.
    678 Global GEAR System Error. Try Again.
    679 Global GEAR System Error. Transaction result is unclear.
    680 Global GEAR System Error. Transaction result is unclear.
    681 Global GEAR System Error. Try Again.
    682 Global GEAR System Error. Transaction result is unclear.
    683 Global GEAR System Error. Transaction result is unclear.
    694 Global GEAR System Error. Transaction result is unclear.
    695 Global GEAR System Error. Transaction result is unclear.
    696 Global GEAR System Error. Transaction result is unclear.
    697 Global GEAR System Error. Transaction result is unclear.
    698 Global GEAR System Error. Transaction result is unclear.
    699 Global GEAR System Error. Transaction result is unclear.
    700 Global GEAR System Error. Transaction result is unclear.
    701 Global GEAR System Error. Transaction result is unclear.
    702 Global GEAR System Error. Transaction result is unclear.
    703 Global GEAR System Error. Try Again.
    704 Global GEAR System Error. Transaction result is unclear.
    705 Global GEAR System Error. Try Again.
    828 Unable to authorize
    831 Cash service not available
    832 Cash back request exceeds issuer limit
    833 Resubmitted transaction over max days limit
    835 Decline CVV2 failure
    836 Transaction amount greater than preauthorized
    902 Invalid biller information
    905 Unable to authorize
    906 Unable to authorize
    937 Card Authentication failed
    972 Stop Payment Order
    973 Revocation of Authorization Order
    975 Revocation of All Authorizations Order
    1044 Approval keep first check
    1045 Check OK no conversion
    1046 Invalid RTTN
    1047 Amount greater than limit
    1048 Unpaid items failed NEG
    1049 Duplicate check number
    1050 MICR error
    1051 Too many checks
    1198 Forward to issuer
    1201 Forward to issuer
    1263 Unable to authorize
    1295 Unknown

    Gateway Error Codes

    Error codes returned by the gateway

    Error Code Applied Level Risk Rule Error Message
    ERR3001 Entity Level Blacklist “Card Country is found on Entity’s blacklist.”
    ERR3002 Entity Level IP Address “Customer IP is found on Entity’s blacklist.”
    ERR3003 Entity Level BIN Blocking “Card BIN is found on Entity’s blacklist.”
    ERR3004 Entity Level PAN Blocking “PAN is found on Entity’s blacklist.”
    ERR3005 Entity Level Blacklist “Card Country is found on Issuing Country blacklist.”
    ERR3006 Product Level Threshold Amount “Transaction amount ‘undefined 0’ has exceeded the max threshold limit.”
    ERR3007 Product Level IP Address “Customer IP Address is found on MID blacklist.”
    ERR3008 Product Level PAN Limit “Velocity check - Same card number has been used more than 0 times in the last 0 minutes.”
    ERR3009 Product Level PAN Limit “Velocity check - Same card number has been used more than 0 times in the last 0 hours.”
    ERR3010 Product Level PAN Limit “Velocity check - Same card number has been used more than 0 times in the last 0 days.”
    ERR3011 Product Level PAN Limit “Velocity check - Same card number has been used more than 0 times in the last 0 months.”
    ERR3012 Product Level IP Limit “Velocity check- Attempts from same IP Address exceeds 0 times over the last 0 minutes.”
    ERR3013 Product Level IP Limit “Velocity check- Attempts from same IP Address exceeds 0 times over the last 0 hours.”
    ERR3014 Product Level IP Limit “Velocity check- Attempts from same IP Address exceeds 0 times over the last 0 days.”
    ERR3015 Product Level IP Limit “Velocity check- Attempts from same IP Address exceeds 0 times over the last 0 months.”
    ERR3016 Product Level Threshold Amount “Transaction amount ‘undefined 0’ is less than the min threshold limit.”
    ERR3017 Product Level IP Address “Customer IP Address not whitelisted.”
    ERR3018 Product Level BIN “BIN not whitelisted.”
    ERR3019 Product Level Refund Limit “Velocity check - Refund limit exceeded.”
    ERR3020 Product Level Refund Volume “Velocity check - Refund Volume limit exceeded.”
    VAL0035 Product Level Invalid Card Holder Name “Invalid card holder name.”
    ERR0204 Product Level Balance “You don’t have balance amount for refund.”